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Data Security FAQ

Wondering about the security of Publicate and your data? Just check our FAQ below and/or contact us for more details.

Nella avatar
Written by Nella
Updated over a month ago

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Terms and Conditions

Where can I find Publicate’s Terms and conditions, Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy?

Please see our Terms here and our Privacy Policy here and if you need any help, just let us know 🙂

Is Publicate GDPR compliant?

Yes, Publicate is GDPR compliant as shown here For any related inquiry, please message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Data Ownership

Who owns the data once I upload content or create newsletters?

You own this content. Publicate only uses it so that it can appear in the Editor and in the Newsletters or Web Pages you create.

Outlook Add-in Security

Are there any security risks linked to using the Outlook Add-in and how to manage them?

The Add-in can only be accessed and used by individuals who have access to your Outlook account and know your Publicate Logins, as both login details are required in order to sign in and use the Add-in.

We strongly recommend that you do not share your login details with anyone and our password policy encourages users to use a strong password.

The security of sharing newsletters as a Web Page using Share links

I prefer to share my newsletter as a Web Page by providing its Share Link on our communications tools or on a social media page. How secure is a Share Link, could someone outside of my readership access them?

Publicate generates secure Share links so it's virtually impossible for someone to figure them out and access your newsletter Web page. Therefore, the only way it could be accessed by someone outside of your readership is if one of your readers passed it on to that person or shared it publicly.

If you think the link has got into the wrong hands you can easily create a duplicate publication and delete the original, preventing any further access to the original.

Chrome or Safari extensions and privacy

When installing the extension, I was asked to allow it to ' read and change all my data on the websites I visit '. How does this work really? I'm concerned about my privacy.

We completely understand and don't worry no personal or private data from any page is transmitted back to us. The extension just needs to be able to 'read' meaning identify certain parts of some web pages so it can:

  • add our 'Insert publication' button to either Gmail or Outlook, allowing you to import your newsletters directly from your email draft:

  • and/or identify the URL of a page you'd like to save the link for to your Library. For example below, by clicking on the Publicate Chrome extension icon to the right, I saved this URL directly to my Publicate Library:

Data Management post-cancellation

What happens to my data if I cancel my plan?

By default, we’ll hang on to your Publications and content so that you can return and start off where you left from 🙌.

If you’d rather we didn’t, no worries, just get in touch via chat or at .

Got questions?

If you have any other questions or we can help with anything else please just send us a note at, or use the chat window on the right.

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