When you use Publicate, your links and images use Publicate domain names, so link and image URLs will look something like this:
This is usually fine but if you’d like to re-enforce your brand identity for your links and image, or want to prevent your newsletter content from being flagged by a company firewall, the solution is to set up your custom domains. This way, your links and images will use a domain of your choice and not one of Publicate's. Here is how to set up this up:
1. Click the "Settings" tab in Publicate, or use the link below.
2. Enter your custom link or image domains
NOTE: This can't be your "root domain" (eg yourdomain.com) it needs to be a sub-domain such as: links
or email
, etc...
3. Ensure the DNS set-up information is correct
At this stage ask your IT team or whoever manages your domain name, to create a CNAME DNS record using the details provided on the setup page (Tips for creating a CNAME record). Then click ' Check DNS' :
3. Once your DNS has been verified, you can activate the custom domain:
Tips for creating a custom CNAME record
Go to your DNS provider’s website (e.g. GoDaddy, Cloudflare)
Create a CNAME (‘canonical name’) record for your custom domain.
Point it at the domain provided during the custom domain setup process, for example
for links andcustomimages.pblc.it
for images.Save your new DNS settings - they might take from a few minutes to a few hours to go live.
Got questions?
If you have any other questions or we can help with anything else please just send us a note at hello@publicate.it, or use the chat window on the right.